...Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? This post references a Vero News Blog here written by Ray McNulty, and quotes from Teri Barenborg within the blog.
From Chris Allen Facebook:
Sleepy Barefoot slept through his assignment and copied mine!
Barefoot literally plagiarized what I've written about Jacqueline "Jackie" Rosario! I wrote something similar back in May 2022 to our REC, on the We The People Indian River County website, AND on a Press Release dated 20220617. So I guess imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
My quote from May 2022 email I sent to REC: "I could go on and on, but I think the most important quality about Jackie Rosario is that she listens to all sides. This characteristic is essential for an elected official."
My quote from endorsement page: "Lastly, the most important quality about Jackie Rosario is that she listens to all sides. This characteristic is essential for an elected official." https://www.wtpirc.com/endorsements
Sleepy Barefoot quote on fake news: "“One of the most overlooked skills a board member can have is the ability to listen, and Mara has been a good listener,” he said. “Whether she agreed with you or not, she was respectful.”" http://veronews.com/2022/06/27/school-board-will-miss-schiffs-diverse-views/
Further Analysis Shows...
Teri Barenborg also lied about Mara Schiff. See her quote below: "“But Mara listens to the other side and makes the decisions she believes are best,” she added. “I voted with her at times, too.”"
On multiple occasions, Mara Schiff has said that she will NOT listen to parents as she doesn't consider us "professionals."
See video below of Mara Schiff, Indian River County School Board member District #1, saying that we, the citizens and parents of IRC, are in no way comparable to the bureaucrats in Tallahassee when it comes to reviewing curriculums. Superintendent's Workshop 1 p.m. 6/22/2021.
Schiff paused and refused to respond when asked if partnering with parents when it comes to masking. See Superintendent's Workshop 10 a.m. 8/24/2021, Timestamp 2:21:02 - 2:21:24.
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